
Together there’s life!

Helping young people and families find their place and purpose.

Fusion Sydney North is part of Fusion Australia, a national youth and community organisation motivated by Christian values and the belief that people matter. We are committed to strengthening our community so that together we can support young people to achieve their potential and thrive.

Located in Jersey Street, just around the corner from where Fusion first began in 1960 in Coronation Street, Fusion Sydney North exists to strengthen the lives of local young people and engage the whole community in creating the network of support they need to thrive.

Our work includes an Op Shop to provide the financial resource needed, community programs to provide places of belonging and engagement for those who are socially isolated, and mentoring and support for young people.

Our vision

Transformed communities where young people thrive.

Our mission

Engaging creatively with communities to bring life.

Our values

Justice, mercy, compassion, respect and industry.